Treatment Options for

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Oral Appliances

Oral Appliances

A non-invasive solution is the use of oral appliances that pull the lower jaw slightly forward. These devices thus enlarge the airway...

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The objective of surgery for obstructive sleep apnea is to enlarge the airway through the nose or throat that may be blocking the upper air...

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OPTISLEEP Therapeutic Appliance:

Custom-designed, durable and effective

Benefits of oral appliance therapy

Why choose this form of treatment?
  • Approved by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine as a first line treatment for mild to moderate OSA
  • Comfortable and easy to wear
  • Convenient and easy to carry when traveling
  • Non-invasive
  • Quiet
  • Easy to care for

How to get diagnosed for obstructive sleep apnea

Do you have trouble sleeping, snore loudly or think that you may suffer from obstructive sleep apnea? You should take those signs seriously and talk to your physician about a diagnostic sleep apnea test.

A definitive diagnosis for obstructive sleep apnea is made based on a sleep study, which measures sleep quality and the body’s response to sleep problems using a monitor called a polysomnogram. It can be done either with a portable device at home or in a sleep lab, where sensors are attached to your body to enable the physician to monitor your symptoms during the night.

A key piece of diagnostic data generated by the sleep study is the apnea hypopnea index (AHI), which is the combined number of apneas (breathing pauses) and hyponeas (decreased air flow) recorded per hour. Your doctor will use this and other criteria to determine whether you have sleep apnea, its severity, and recommended treatment approaches.

Diagnosis of OSA severity

SeverityNumber of cessations per hour
Mild5 – 14
Moderate15 – 29
Severe30 or more


Learn all about OPTISLEEP and find out if an oral appliance is right for you.

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Take the Test

Do you think you may suffer from obstructive sleep apnea? Find out with a simple test. spacer-107x147

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You have questions about obstructive sleep apnea and OPTISLEEP? Find helpful answers in the FAQ.

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